Youthnet Hellas

Youthnet Hellas is a non-governmental and non-profit organization that aims at engaging young people at local, national, European and international level through activities and interventions. Youthnet Hellas, started as a Youth Network 15 years ago, evolved into a Confederation of Local Youth Councils countrywide, and eventually from 2009 onwards developed into its current form, that of a flexible and modern NGO. 

Youthnet Hellas is aiming to promote young people’s participation, information, social inclusion, voluntarism and active citizenship in community life in National, European and International level (in compliance to the European Commission’s 2001 White Paper on Youth).
Youthnet Hellas is working on networking young people on the basis of thematic initiatives and monitoring the implementation of international and European youth policies in Greece. 
Substantial networking is taking place through the internet, between more than 500 youth workers and members of Youthnet Hellas who exchange ideas on issues that are of great importance to young people. Simultaneously, Youthnet Hellas is facilitating participation in a number of European and international action programs in cooperation with institutions and organisations abroad. Youthnet Hellas’ members have participated in hundreds of programs (youthcamps, workcamps, trainings, seminars and exchanges) during the last 15 years. Youthnet Hellas is participating actively in all youth project calls from the EC and especially in the “Youth in Action” calls.