United Youth of Europe

The organisation “United Youth of Europe” is politically independent non-profit organisation, which is devoted to the promotion of humanism and active participation among young people. It has been established in 2004 primarily as project group and has been registered as NGO in March 2008 in Vienna. The organisation was established by group of motivated young people of different national, ethnical and educational background. The organisation is active on international level in the field of international youth exchanges, trainings and seminars. On local level the organisation organises youth campaign and tries to encourage youth people to participate actively in the civil society.

Main aims of the organisation are: encouraging youth participation; networking with youth organisations from different countries; promotion of intercultural experience among youngster; increasing self-confidence among youngster with psychical or physical disabilities and youth people with fewer opportunities; fighting racist attitudes, discrimination, homophobia and social exclusion; promotion and enhancement of social, organisational and personal competences and skills among youngsters; awareness raising material and providing space for the exchange of experience between youth workers and youngsters.