Tinerii Secolului XXI

 “Tinerii Secolului XXI” Association began to work in spring 1999, it was formed and operates out of the strong need of its members to be proactive in the society and time they live in. Since than the organisation is oriented towards creation of opportunities for youth to grow and adapt to the upcoming changes. By that goal, they have developed a program of active participation of youth to ensure the rising of their awareness, in short, to prepare them to become youth of Europe with all the benefits and responsibilities.

Tinerii Secolului XXI has a mission  to increase the involvement of young people in the public life. Its objectives are to promote the basic needs of Romanian young people, to educate them in the spirit of democracy, to promote the relations between youth organizations from Romania and abroad, to promote the European idea and principles contained in the United Charta in Romanian society debates.
In order to achieve those objectives the association is organizing conferences, seminars, workshops, public campaigns, training courses, symposium and debates, is communicating with the state institutions and civil society and in the same time participating to other association activities in the country and abroad.