International Initiatives for Cooperation - IIC

The “International Initiatives for Cooperation - IIC” Association is an organisation founded by persons concerned by strengthening the civil society in Bulgaria. The orgaisation works to enhance the participation of local community in the local governance and the decision making process, to improve the social and economic development of the country, IIC puts a special focus on development of education and culture projects, promotion of non-formal and informal education, etc. The members of IIC Association have experience and expertise in developing, implementing and monitoring bilateral and multilateral projects financed by national and foreign donors. They have worked in the field of community development, social and economic development, needs assessments and design of programmes in favour of community and youth development.

In order to achieve its mission the association has directed its efforts in the fields of youth work, culture, social activities, transparent administration and sustainable development.
IIC is part of a number of national and international formal and non-formal networks. The organisation is Head of Network of the Bulgarian National Network of Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures.