Chapter 1: Lobbying

Introduction to lobbying

In today’s world this word has mostly negative connotations, that bring about an image of business pressure groups which try to influence policy makers to make decisions to their own advantage, and can even suggest corruption and other means of pressure. Well, lobbying is just a tool, and it simply implies putting pressure on a stakeholder. In a few and simple words, lobbying simply means getting in touch with the right person in order to influence change and foster action. Yet how to do so? Today communication has raised to an unprecedented level, and you should treat each communication tool as a mean for putting pressure on the person or group you want to lobby. Letters, emails, phonecalls, meetings in person, petitions; these can easily become powerful tools in your hands. After all, you are the Media Officer, you represent and bring out your organization’s message to the world out there, with the means you have available, because you, as well as every other volunteer, manager, leader, or trainer in your organization are striving through different means to achieve your organization’s goals. Lobbying falls mostly under your arsenal of tools.